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Peace is a feeling. It is to be found right here in this moment. We can help you find the well of your
deep inner peace and empower you to stay in touch with your being.

About Us

KLM 100 is one of the most authentic astrological websites on the Internet. We keep it real and tell it like it is. We want you to get the best astrological results to help you take control of your life. We don’t like to give you flowery words. We are serious about this field and wish to serve you well.


We provide accurate information for all zodiac signs as per our studies and research into the field.
Here are some core values that each zodiac sign shares:


People belonging to this zodiac sign are very driven and powerful. This can be both positive and negative for them in their lives.


Those who belong to this zodiac sign can be sincere, committed but also quite stubborn and terrifying. They are lovely to be around.


Geminis have two very beautiful and interesting sides to them. They are enigmatic, intelligent and they can even be quite unpredictable.


Cancers are full of nurturing energy and they are very family-oriented. Integrity in relationships is a huge thing for them.


One of the most friendly zodiac signs. They have a calm and open presence. They don’t like confrontation.They are organized and aim for only perfection.


Capricorns are sensitive, pragmatic and love to take action. They love discipline and they can be quite rigid in this aspect.


Leos wear their hearts on their sleeves. They stand out in the crowd and are natural leaders. But they are dominant and impatient.


Scorpios are well known for their immense passion and their ability to ponder deeply over things. They can also be quite mysterious and intimidating.


People of this zodiac sign are calm like a still lake and at times, they are quite difficult to define. They have an open mind and a unique sense of humor.


Virgos can either impress you with their incredible methodical attitude and precision or frustrate you with it.


Nothing lifts up your mood more than being around a Sagittarius. They are full of life, honest and positive. They can also be careless at times.


A Pisces loves to care for people and put their needs first before oneself. This selfless quality and deep sensitivity must be guarded well.


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We let our numbers speak for us.



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Our astrologers bring 12 years of rich experience in astrology to the table.

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King of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

The King of Pentacles symbolizes financial success, security, leadership and discipline – so when this card appears in your reading it signals it’s time to take your goals more seriously! Reversed, this card can indicate that someone in your circle is struggling financially. They could have gambled too heavily, overextended themselves or taken shortcuts that have cost them their wealth.

Completion of a Creative Task or Business Venture

The King of Pentacles symbolizes material wealth, so its appearance in your reading could indicate that you have recently completed an endeavor that has produced tangible benefits. You may have worked tirelessly toward prosperity or someone may have helped push you over the line; either way, this card serves as a sign that success has been reached and now can relax. Especially if it appears alongside The Lovers or The Hierophant. In love readings, this card can indicate that your partner is reaping the fruits of their labor in terms of financial, emotional, or spiritual success. While this may be encouraging news for them, keep in mind that the King of Pentacles also represents responsibility; so your partner may take things slowly or opt to relax rather than push too hard in the relationship. If the card is reversed, it could indicate that your relationship has reached an impasse, with neither partner interested in making the necessary long-term commitment to maintain and expand it. They seem more concerned with maintaining their comfort than expanding it further. When looking to build your foundation in life, this card could appear. Now may be an ideal time to invest in property or find a reliable business partner. In its upright form, this card symbolizes a wealthy family man able to provide for his loved ones with ease. While this can be taken as positive advice, keep in mind that wealth comes with many responsibilities which should not be neglected. When this card appears in a work reading, it indicates that your current job is secure and that there are no threats of losing it. It’s an ideal card to pull when searching for new employment or considering career changes – it even helps new parents ensure their child will receive adequate care!

Financial Success

When this card appears in a reading, it often represents financial success in some form or another – whether that means receiving a significant lump sum payment, receiving windfall profits from commercial ventures or experiencing significant returns from investments. Alternately, this card could indicate that you will gain more financial stability through your work or relationships – giving you confidence for future plans and plans of action. This king rules over healthy living and creating a solid base for physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. By eating healthily and exercising regularly you’ll be able to take good care of yourself while having something solid to lean back on when emotional or physical stressors arise. When this card appears in a reading, it indicates stability, reliability, and long-term commitment. When this king appears it indicates you can achieve lasting success through hard work and perseverance. Reversed cards indicate that you may not be taking your work or relationships seriously enough. They encourage us to evaluate our priorities, ensure adequate care is being taken of ourselves and those around us, and consider the reversal as a wakeup call. In romantic relationships, the King of Pentacles symbolizes a trustworthy and reliable partner who will always be by your side through thick and thin. They will be generous, protective and demonstrate their love through actions rather than words; furthermore they should be a strong supporter and provider for you both – meaning they have enough resources themselves to stand on their own financially without using you for their own gain – however when reversed this person can become manipulative and controlling; using you for their own gain using wealth as leverage against you – be wary. Be wary if this card reversed; be wary!


When this card appears in a love reading, it indicates that your partner values security and stability in life, being generous with those they care for and prioritizing family life. They demonstrate their love through practical actions while taking their responsibilities seriously. Combining it with Queen of Pentacles can also indicate they’re financially stable enough to create long-term homes for themselves and their children. This card also symbolizes wealth and prosperity for you. You understand how to manage your finances well, making you an excellent financial investor. Now is a good time for you to build upon your success by investing in something tangible like property, a business venture or even purchasing something like a car! Reversed, this card can indicate that you are becoming too focused on material possessions and wealth accumulation, without appreciating their true worth as friendship and genuine connections. Your spiritual side could also be suffering, so now may be the time to regain balance before something irreplaceable slips away. When combined with positive tarot cards such as the Ace of Cups, this card may symbolize that you’re on your way to realizing great personal and financial success, provided that you stay responsible and honor all commitments. When combined with negative cards such as the Devil or Tower, this card could signal hard times ahead for you. But this card should serve as an encouraging sign that will allow you to face these difficulties head on with confidence that success will ultimately prevail. Always remember that patience is key and will yield great rewards in the end. If you need assistance from others, reach out to a close friend or mentor – they will provide necessary support and guidance that will allow you to progress.

Spiritual Growth

When this card appears upright, it signals an opportunity for spiritual development. While you may have previously focused on wealth and success in life, now may be an opportune time to explore other areas that will bring balance and fulfilment – spiritual studies, new career choices or even relocation could all play a part. If the Reversed Four of Cups card appears, it should serve as a warning that your pursuit of material security and wealth has gone too far, signaling it’s time to step away from materialism and focus more on your emotional needs. You could be working too hard, with little rest for yourself, leading to burn out or health problems you cannot afford; or that you are attracting money into your life but failing to save any. Developing effective savings habits should become part of your routine now! In romantic situations, this card represents that your relationship has solid footing. Both partners take their relationship seriously and strive to establish a stable home together. You will both rely on each other and demonstrate your feelings through actions rather than words; ultimately finding great comfort from your relationship. Reversing this card could indicate that there’s tension between you and someone close, perhaps they aren’t fulfilling their responsibilities or taking you for granted. Now is the time for dialogue about finding ways to fix things; conversely it could represent a coworker using their position to gain control of the office environment or undermining your work; such a person needs to be dealt with quickly before their influence erodes all that you have built up together.

Psychic Reading Types

A psychic reading is an attempt to obtain information through the heightened perception of human senses, including sight, sound, touch, and instinct. Psychics possess supernatural abilities called clairvoyance and clairsentience. Clairvoyance is the gift of vision, while clairsentience is the gift of feeling. Then there is claircognizance, which is the ability to know things factually, and clairaudience, which is to hear things others can’t hear.

Psychic reading has often been classified as paranormal activity and those psychics who make their living from this art charge a small fee for their services. There are phone psychics and chat psychics who provide their clients with spiritual reading even without meeting them in person. Still, despite being controversial, many people cling to concepts about psychic readings hundred-yard services that are open to everyone and yet rely largely on real facts.

Scientists have not yet been able to replicate successfully a psychic reading in a laboratory setting, so many members of the scientific community do not think psychic predictions possible. Nonetheless though, it remains a traditional part of many cultures around the world and is very popular today. Now today, it is actually classed as pseudoscience by learned people, they go in for it because believe this gives them an invaluable insight into tomorrow.

The reasons that people consult with psychics vary. Some customers have family problems, while others are looking for help with their college GPA, work and health. They might also want insight into financial situations and love relationships or any number of reasons like these. People who are in despair after the loss of someone they loved or with a grave illness may ask a psychic medium for psychic readings so as to know what lies ahead in the future.

Providing Against Skepticism

Many psychics know that those who come to them hardly believe what they are told. Many come out of desperation, and curiosity in others. In the morning all these people will go their own ways When the psychic doesn’t want to earn trust, but merely fears the loss of his own reputation. In that case, some psychics might offer a free reading in order to create some bond of trust at least.

Free psychic reading can help the customer judge the psychic reader’s skill and the information’s authenticity. If they are satisfied with what they hear, the customer can go ahead to pay for their next reading.

Psychic Reading Types

Every psychic aims to help their clients see the whole truth about life, but not all psychics are the same. Psychics all have different trades and respective tools of grace. So for the foreseeable future no two psychics are likely to produce identical effects. There are many kinds of psychic readings, and we look closely at them.

Tarot Readings

Tarot is the most common form of psychic reading. Contrary to popular view, tarot card therapists are not able to see the future. Rather, they use their tarot cards to point out possible outcomes of individual actions in the future. One thing that tarot psychics do is to take out cards relevant to the person being read for and give information to help him make good decisions. Tarot psychics are extremely common in large cities and have been immortalized in movies for generations. You can find free tarot reading freely in social medias.


A person who practices palmistry is a palmist. Sometimes called chiromancy, palmistry is a study of the palm. People who study palms say that information about people can be found in them. The palmist will analyze features like the palm color, finger length, palm lines and shapes in order to extract this information and provide insights. It is said that this kind of practice arose several centuries in China and it is one of the oldest kinds of psychic reading today.

Crystal Balls

The crystal ball was shown frequently in films and is still popular among psychics today. Not all best psychics engage in spiritual readings by using a ball, but those who can do so are mostly clairvoyants. They may see what takes place in front of them by gazing intently at their imaginary vision that lives within the ball, which leads on to how this person’s future will unfold. This is called Scrying, where images and visions are seen in the ball, a technique as old as mankind itself.


Hence according to historical records, numerology might be the oldest spiritual reading ever practiced by man and was first performed in Babylon and Egypt. Numerology is reading on a future or past life simply by reading the numbers of a person. Those readers who are experts at numerology believe that everything in our life can be deciphered using numbers at one level or another; from our date of birth down to which names from childhood were used–all which has some consequence in the path we will take.


Possibly the oldest form of psychic readings is astrology, at least as it exists on the Internet. Astrologers can predict one’s presents and futures by taking certain information such as a person’s time of birth or where he/she was born. They take this knowledge along with a person’s date of birth and come up with the result that Astrologers use to fulfill their practice. They use where the planets are located in the solar system to get an image of when it’s best time for a person make certain decisions that will have good effects on his life.Astrologers are usually always down on-line wherever there are extensive data available about astrological charts and interpretation.

Aura Readings

Aura Reading may appear rather obscure among others types of psychic readings found here. Yet it persists, and some psychics specialize in this method. Aura Reading is reading the aura around people. Aura psychics believe that everyone has a kind of luminous-grey matter which is constantly being emitted–a bit like an aura about us. This kind of psychic says that they can feel your aura and from it they’re capable to analyze the details of who you are and what awaits in your future.


Carrot cards playing or Cartomancy looks completely different from the ones used by Tarot readers but that doesn’t matter to cartomancers. They regard cartomancy as a unique method of divination.

Clairvoyant Readings

There is no blame or p.c. about Clairvoyant for me.awei Reading is an art of divination.eder There are many kinds of clairvoyant, from those who throw a few coins on the ground to see which way they lie and what they mean all the way to modern television station clairvoyants who offer direct consultations, e.g. New Age programs all of Aqiu.

Long-Distance Reading

A distant viewer is a clairvoyant psychic on the move. He can carry on his occupation without meeting people in person. Distant readers can be found everywhere at the present stage of automation. They exist on the Internet. They may connect with people via telephone, text message, E-mail and online psychic chat session or just like any kind of cyberspace medium.

Lithomancy and Crystallomancy

Lithomancy and Crystallomancy is the practice of using gems suspended in water or placed on a board to predict the future. Its historical beginnings remain a mystery, but it appears differently in every culture.


Psychometry is something that can be felt and touched. A psychic who uses psychometric abilities must come into contact with a person’s possessions in order to make contact with them and get any information about their life. Most psychometrists require clients to bring their most favored possession when coming for a session. This may be anything, but it must be something they cherish. They believe one’s favorite object includes some energy or power from himself which can then be used to make use of the future.

Rune Reading

Just as numerology is the study of numbers, Rune reading is the reading of numbers. In ancient times, runes – which were the characters later adopted by Latin alphabets-reserved for generations of diviners who used them to obtain sacred wisdom.

Today they are used together with stones or tablets thrown onto a mat in order to find out the future. Runes are also used by members of varda, who use them to identify occult organizations, witches, and augurs.

There are all kinds of telephone psychic readings, each psychic doing so in a unique way to foretell the future. There isn’t necessarily a best method for performing psychic readings, but every psychic uses a group of tools that bring them and their clients the most successful results possible.


Wondering What Aspect Of Life Each House In Astrology Defines?… Read On To Know More!


The life of everyone is influenced by various factors. And astrology is one such field that helps psychics in predicting how the planets, stars, and celestial bodies influence our lives. Astrology covers the twelve houses each of which is believed to define one unique aspect about people, what all we encounter in our lives, and various places.

If you are curious to know about what aspects each house covers, below stated are the details for the same.


First House

The first house defines your personal brand and how you portray yourself to others. It also covers your physical appearance and how you usually approach any new thing in general.

Second House

The second house majorly covers the materialistic and the monetary aspect of your life. It includes the spiritual and the physical gifts you have along with indications of your self-worth.

Third House

The third house portrays the communication aspects of your life in terms of your day-to-day exchanges with the people in your immediate surroundings.

Fourth House

This house governs your inner self in terms of your roots, ancestry, your feelings and emotions, and the sense of security you have.

Fifth House

The fifth house becomes reflective of the inner child in you that would include playful self-expression, romance, creativity, and everything fun.

Sixth House

This house defines the day-to-day aspect of your life in terms of habits you have related to your health and mindfulness and how you deal with the problems.

Seventh House

The seventh house rules the various kinds of partnerships in life be it related to relationships like marriages etc., business partnerships, or any other kind of such unions and mediators associated with it. It also covers your response to such partnerships.

Eighth House

This house would govern all types of transformations in your life, be it literal like death or be it metaphorical like the feeling after orgasm. Thus, this house also governs sexuality, rebirth, etc. Along with transformations, it also covers the relationship you have with the money of other people.

Ninth House

This house defines your connection with spirituality and your beliefs as an individual along with anything that includes travel, cultures, commerce, foreign languages, etc.

Tenth House

All the success and related choices in terms of career and your desires would be governed by this house. Thus, it would include any type of achievement you have in life including respect and legacy


Eleventh House

The networks you build in life in terms of friends, teams, and other people in your network along with the goals you wish to achieve would be governed by this house.

Twelfth House

Karma, one of the important aspects of one’s life, is governed by this house. Apart from this, all the hidden aspects of your life in terms of your secrets, the dreams you have, your fears and nightmares, and your subconscious will also be ruled by this house.